The World of Empala Wiki

Pork... I miss pork. I REALLY miss pork

Çahit is a senior warrior of the Hulun, though he is known more for his leatherwork than for his fighting skills. He is an important personality in K'harg's band.


Like many warriors of his age, Çahit shaves his scalp bald with a bone knife. His skin is a deep olive and he has thick, black eyebrows. Çah is tall and athletically built, with an elaborate geometric tattoo covering his entire back. He is rarely to be found without a pair of throwing axes hanging from his belt; his close-quarters weapon of choice, unusually, is the whip.

Çahit is forty-seven years old.


Role in the Story so Far

Çahit, Anna and Hadrek were the three warriors sent to relieve Grolik, Grimach and Amond of their sentry duties at the north-western gate. Grolik failed to alert any of them of the snare he had placed, earning a cautionary rebuke from the old warrior. However, he later admits to Grolik that the snares had been a good idea, though Grolik admits it had been Ret who had come up with the idea. Çahit demonstrates his lighter side as they make their way to Calath's Last Stand; later, he and Anna lead the breakaway hunting party with Bolen, Grimach, Grolik and Lugana.
